Do you have a luxury watch in your collection that you would like to sell? Whether it’s a unique vintage heirloom or a contemporary timepiece from a high-end brand, we would love to take a closer look at it.

Reach out to us by email, WhatsApp or fill in the form below about the watch you want to sell. Include photos of the timepiece and any information you have about it, and let us know whether you have the original papers and box it came in. This, along with maintenance invoices, will determine the value of your timepiece.  

We will reach out to you for an appointment, where we will look closely at your precious item and discretely determine its value. Do you wish to sell your watch outright or having it consigned? Let us know during our first contact so that we can keep this in mind for you. 

We look forward to laying our eyes on your unique timekeepers

Mr Watchley
+32 456 13 55 37